Leia o texto, a seguir, que explica a diferença entre dois temidos predadores encontrados na natureza.
Alligators are often less dangerous than crocodiles because they are more choosy about their prey. Crocodiles will eat anything that moves, including large mammals. In contrast, alligator attacks are rare because they target prey animals that are smaller than adult humans. Their normal prey includes fish, birds, other reptiles and small mammals. Despite the low risk, alligator attacks are likely to become more common, because both the human population and alligator population are increasing. In many coastal regions, humans are encroaching on alligator habitat, so the two species are more likely to cross paths.
http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160616-it-is-surprisingly-rare-for-an-alligator-to-kill-a-person Acesso em: 31 ago. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. It is unlikely for a crocodile to attack human beings
II. its selective eating habit will make it feed on small animals.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre a relação entre educação superior e empregabilidade. Na sequência, responda ao que se pede.
Degrees matter when hunting for a job
By Kathleen Kingsbury
1 Going to university is no small investment in time and, for most people, money. Given the recent high levels of unemployment worldwide, students leaving high school may think going directly to work makes more financial sense than going to college.
2 But, in times of a global financial crisis, people with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed and have more difficulty landing a job, a review of unemployment data from countries around the globe shows.
3 “We have no reason to assume that this is likely to change any time soon,” said Andreas Schleicher of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
4 Consider the latest unemployment figures from the United States. In May, 7.4 % of high school graduates were unemployed, while just 3.8% of university graduates were without a job, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
5 The value of a university degree, at least when it comes to finding a job, is not unique to the US. The correlation can also be seen around the world, said Daniel Hamermesh, an international labour economist at the University of Texas in Austin.
6 People with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed. However, the benefits of going to university vary from country to country.
7 University education offers Europeans a significant boost. In 2012, the 27 countries in the Euro zone had a total unemployment rate of about 10%. Yet for college graduates, unemployment was about one-third lower, at 6%.
8 As for Brazil, having a tertiary education offered workers a 200% premium in lifetime earnings compared to those who hadn’t finished high school. In Greece, Korea, and Turkey, the premium gap was 70%.
9 “A college degree is always going to lend an advantage”, Hamermesh said.
Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20130607-is-a-degree-crucial-for-a-job. Acesso em: 08 jun. 2013.
Com base na leitura do texto, é possível afirmar que sua ideia central é o (a):
diploma universitário é mais valorizado nos EUA do que em outros países.
inserção profissional no mercado de trabalho independe dos anos de estudo.
número de universitários vem caindo em função da crise econômica global.
educação superior é fator decisivo para a colocação no mercado de trabalho.
investimento de tempo e de dinheiro é insignificante nos estudos superiores.
Read the following text in which Bill Gates presents his viewpoint of a global problem.
More Energy
by Bill Gates
1 At some point today, you’ll probably do one or all of these things: flip a switch for light. Take fresh food from a refrigerator. Turn a dial to make your home warmer or cooler. Press a button on your laptop to go online.
2 You probably won’t think twice about any of these actions, but you will actually be doing something extraordinary. You will be using a superpower—your access to energy.
3 Does that sound ridiculous? Just imagine, for a minute, life without energy.
4 You don’t have a way to run a laptop, mobile phone, TV, or video games. You don’t have lights, heat, air conditioning, or even the Internet to read this.
5 About 1.3 billion people—18 percent of the world’s population—don’t need to imagine. That’s what life is like for them every day.
6 Africa has made extraordinary progress in recent decades. It is one of the fastest-growing regions of the world with modern cities, hundreds of millions of mobile phone users, growing Internet access, and a vibrant middle class.
7 But that prosperity has not reached everyone. In fact, of the nearly one billion people in sub-Saharan Africa, 7 out of every 10 of them live in the dark, without electricity. The majority of them live in rural areas. You would see the same problem in Asia. In India alone, more than 300 million people don’t have electricity.
8 It’s been well over a century since Thomas Edison demonstrated how an incandescent light bulb could turn night into day. And yet, there are parts of the world where people are still waiting to enjoy the benefits of his invention.
9 If I could have just one wish to help the poorest people, it would be to find a cheap, clean source of energy to power our world.
10 You might be wondering, “Aren’t people just trying to stay healthy and find enough to eat? Isn’t that important too?” Yes, of course it is, but energy makes all those things easier. It means you can run hospitals, light up schools, and use tractors to grow more food.
11 Without access to energy, the poor are stuck in the dark, denied benefits and opportunities that come with power.
12 So if we really want to help the world’s poorest families, we need to find a way to get them cheap, clean energy. Cheap because everyone must be able to afford it. Clean because it must not emit any carbon dioxide—which is driving climate change.
13 That’s a huge challenge. In 2015, the world emitted 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide to produce energy. This is a mind-boggling number. For example, someone may tell you they know how to remove 100 million tons of carbon per year. That sounds like a lot, but if you do the math—100 million divided by 36 billion—you’ll see that they’re talking about 0.3 percent of the problem. Every reduction in emissions helps, but we still have to work on the other 99.7 percent.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) Growth in the African continent was due to the electricity access.
(II) Use of clean energy will boost progress without polluting the air.
(III) Removal of carbon dioxide from air has been done successfully.
(IV) Significant part of the world´s population is deprived of energy.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and IV.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
I and II.
Read the following text about a natural disaster in Japan.
Japan floods: City of Joso hit by 'unprecedented' rain
Widespread flooding and landslides in north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their homes.
The city of Joso, north of the capital, Tokyo, was hit by a wall of water after the Kinugawa River burst its banks. Helicopter rescue teams have been plucking people from rooftops.
At least eight people are still missing and 100 need rescuing.
The rains come a day after a tropical storm brought winds of up to 125km/h (78mph) to central Aichi prefecture.
The chief forecaster at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Takuya Deshimaru, said that the rainfall was "unprecedented" for that part of Japan.
"We can say this is an abnormal situation and there is imminent serious danger," he went on.
Japan gets hit by, on average, 20 to 30 such storms each year. This is the 18th this year so despite the heavy rainfall that we have experienced over the last few days, it was difficult to predict how severe the damage would be.
The Kinugawa River bursting its banks took even experts by surprise, especially because of the widespread areas that it has affected.
Just as in previous natural disasters, including the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Japan's non-combat military Self-Defence Force is playing a major role in the rescue operations and it is receiving lots of praise so far.
But there are concerns that these storms are getting stronger in recent years and more preparations may be needed in the future.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) The rainfall that hit Joso had been detected by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
(II) The evidences indicate that storms in Japan have been getting more intensified.
(III) The work of the Self-Defence Force has been criticised by the Japanse population.
(IV) The experts were surprised by the rainfall in Joso because it was unconventional.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
II, III and IV.
I and IV.
I and III.
I, III and IV.
In some regions of the world such as Africa and Asia, different languages are used in the daily life of different communities. The use of a foreign language at school was the theme of a study done by UNESCO in order to clarify the role of the first and the second language in children´s learning. Read the following text to know more about it.
UN report recommends mother tongue for teaching early classes to boost performance
1 A new study has recommended use of mother tongue during teaching for at least six years of early learning to boost academic performance. Learning is slow if teaching is conducted in a language other than the one used at home by the children.
2 The Unesco report’s key recommendation is that education policies should recognise the importance of mother tongue learning. It further recommends that teachers should to be trained to teach in two languages and to understand the needs of second-language learners.
3 At home, “parents may lack literacy skills or familiarity with official languages used in school, which can then reinforce gaps in learning opportunities between minority and majority language groups,” says the report.
4 University of Nairobi socio-linguists and communications expert, Dr Silas Oriaso, said the report is encouraging the use of a language that can make children understand what they are being taught.
5 Director of UNESCO’s GEM Report, Aaron Benavot, said language could serve as a double-edged sword. “While it strengthens an ethnic group’s social ties and sense of belonging, it can also become a basis for their marginalisation.”
6 The report says that 40 per cent of children do not access education in a language they understand. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said it is essential to encourage use of mother language in teaching and learning, and to promote linguistic diversity.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements:
I) Foreign language should gradually replace mother tongue.
II) Language can be an instrument of freedom or of domain.
III) Children taught in a foreign language learn more easily.
IV) Education has to teach people embrace linguistic diversity.
It is only correct what is stated on:
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre a relação entre educação superior e empregabilidade. Na sequência, responda ao que se pede.
Degrees matter when hunting for a job
By Kathleen Kingsbury
1 Going to university is no small investment in time and, for most people, money. Given the recent high levels of unemployment worldwide, students leaving high school may think going directly to work makes more financial sense than going to college.
2 But, in times of a global financial crisis, people with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed and have more difficulty landing a job, a review of unemployment data from countries around the globe shows.
3 “We have no reason to assume that this is likely to change any time soon,” said Andreas Schleicher of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
4 Consider the latest unemployment figures from the United States. In May, 7.4 % of high school graduates were unemployed, while just 3.8% of university graduates were without a job, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
5 The value of a university degree, at least when it comes to finding a job, is not unique to the US. The correlation can also be seen around the world, said Daniel Hamermesh, an international labour economist at the University of Texas in Austin.
6 People with less education have found themselves more likely to be unemployed. However, the benefits of going to university vary from country to country.
7 University education offers Europeans a significant boost. In 2012, the 27 countries in the Euro zone had a total unemployment rate of about 10%. Yet for college graduates, unemployment was about one-third lower, at 6%.
8 As for Brazil, having a tertiary education offered workers a 200% premium in lifetime earnings compared to those who hadn’t finished high school. In Greece, Korea, and Turkey, the premium gap was 70%.
9 “A college degree is always going to lend an advantage”, Hamermesh said.
Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20130607-is-a-degree-crucial-for-a-job. Acesso em: 08 jun. 2013.
Com base na leitura do texto, é possível afirmar que sua ideia central é o (a):
diploma universitário é mais valorizado nos EUA do que em outros países.
inserção profissional no mercado de trabalho independe dos anos de estudo.
número de universitários vem caindo em função da crise econômica global.
educação superior é fator decisivo para a colocação no mercado de trabalho.
investimento de tempo e de dinheiro é insignificante nos estudos superiores.
Read the following text in which Bill Gates presents his viewpoint of a global problem.
More Energy
by Bill Gates
1 At some point today, you’ll probably do one or all of these things: flip a switch for light. Take fresh food from a refrigerator. Turn a dial to make your home warmer or cooler. Press a button on your laptop to go online.
2 You probably won’t think twice about any of these actions, but you will actually be doing something extraordinary. You will be using a superpower—your access to energy.
3 Does that sound ridiculous? Just imagine, for a minute, life without energy.
4 You don’t have a way to run a laptop, mobile phone, TV, or video games. You don’t have lights, heat, air conditioning, or even the Internet to read this.
5 About 1.3 billion people—18 percent of the world’s population—don’t need to imagine. That’s what life is like for them every day.
6 Africa has made extraordinary progress in recent decades. It is one of the fastest-growing regions of the world with modern cities, hundreds of millions of mobile phone users, growing Internet access, and a vibrant middle class.
7 But that prosperity has not reached everyone. In fact, of the nearly one billion people in sub-Saharan Africa, 7 out of every 10 of them live in the dark, without electricity. The majority of them live in rural areas. You would see the same problem in Asia. In India alone, more than 300 million people don’t have electricity.
8 It’s been well over a century since Thomas Edison demonstrated how an incandescent light bulb could turn night into day. And yet, there are parts of the world where people are still waiting to enjoy the benefits of his invention.
9 If I could have just one wish to help the poorest people, it would be to find a cheap, clean source of energy to power our world.
10 You might be wondering, “Aren’t people just trying to stay healthy and find enough to eat? Isn’t that important too?” Yes, of course it is, but energy makes all those things easier. It means you can run hospitals, light up schools, and use tractors to grow more food.
11 Without access to energy, the poor are stuck in the dark, denied benefits and opportunities that come with power.
12 So if we really want to help the world’s poorest families, we need to find a way to get them cheap, clean energy. Cheap because everyone must be able to afford it. Clean because it must not emit any carbon dioxide—which is driving climate change.
13 That’s a huge challenge. In 2015, the world emitted 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide to produce energy. This is a mind-boggling number. For example, someone may tell you they know how to remove 100 million tons of carbon per year. That sounds like a lot, but if you do the math—100 million divided by 36 billion—you’ll see that they’re talking about 0.3 percent of the problem. Every reduction in emissions helps, but we still have to work on the other 99.7 percent.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) Growth in the African continent was due to the electricity access.
(II) Use of clean energy will boost progress without polluting the air.
(III) Removal of carbon dioxide from air has been done successfully.
(IV) Significant part of the world´s population is deprived of energy.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and IV.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
I and II.
Read the following text about a natural disaster in Japan.
Japan floods: City of Joso hit by 'unprecedented' rain
Widespread flooding and landslides in north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their homes.
The city of Joso, north of the capital, Tokyo, was hit by a wall of water after the Kinugawa River burst its banks. Helicopter rescue teams have been plucking people from rooftops.
At least eight people are still missing and 100 need rescuing.
The rains come a day after a tropical storm brought winds of up to 125km/h (78mph) to central Aichi prefecture.
The chief forecaster at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Takuya Deshimaru, said that the rainfall was "unprecedented" for that part of Japan.
"We can say this is an abnormal situation and there is imminent serious danger," he went on.
Japan gets hit by, on average, 20 to 30 such storms each year. This is the 18th this year so despite the heavy rainfall that we have experienced over the last few days, it was difficult to predict how severe the damage would be.
The Kinugawa River bursting its banks took even experts by surprise, especially because of the widespread areas that it has affected.
Just as in previous natural disasters, including the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Japan's non-combat military Self-Defence Force is playing a major role in the rescue operations and it is receiving lots of praise so far.
But there are concerns that these storms are getting stronger in recent years and more preparations may be needed in the future.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) The rainfall that hit Joso had been detected by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
(II) The evidences indicate that storms in Japan have been getting more intensified.
(III) The work of the Self-Defence Force has been criticised by the Japanse population.
(IV) The experts were surprised by the rainfall in Joso because it was unconventional.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
II, III and IV.
I and IV.
I and III.
I, III and IV.
In some regions of the world such as Africa and Asia, different languages are used in the daily life of different communities. The use of a foreign language at school was the theme of a study done by UNESCO in order to clarify the role of the first and the second language in children´s learning. Read the following text to know more about it.
UN report recommends mother tongue for teaching early classes to boost performance
1 A new study has recommended use of mother tongue during teaching for at least six years of early learning to boost academic performance. Learning is slow if teaching is conducted in a language other than the one used at home by the children.
2 The Unesco report’s key recommendation is that education policies should recognise the importance of mother tongue learning. It further recommends that teachers should to be trained to teach in two languages and to understand the needs of second-language learners.
3 At home, “parents may lack literacy skills or familiarity with official languages used in school, which can then reinforce gaps in learning opportunities between minority and majority language groups,” says the report.
4 University of Nairobi socio-linguists and communications expert, Dr Silas Oriaso, said the report is encouraging the use of a language that can make children understand what they are being taught.
5 Director of UNESCO’s GEM Report, Aaron Benavot, said language could serve as a double-edged sword. “While it strengthens an ethnic group’s social ties and sense of belonging, it can also become a basis for their marginalisation.”
6 The report says that 40 per cent of children do not access education in a language they understand. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said it is essential to encourage use of mother language in teaching and learning, and to promote linguistic diversity.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements:
I) Foreign language should gradually replace mother tongue.
II) Language can be an instrument of freedom or of domain.
III) Children taught in a foreign language learn more easily.
IV) Education has to teach people embrace linguistic diversity.
It is only correct what is stated on:
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
diploma universitário é mais valorizado nos EUA do que em outros países.
inserção profissional no mercado de trabalho independe dos anos de estudo.
número de universitários vem caindo em função da crise econômica global.
educação superior é fator decisivo para a colocação no mercado de trabalho.
investimento de tempo e de dinheiro é insignificante nos estudos superiores.
Read the following text in which Bill Gates presents his viewpoint of a global problem.
More Energy
by Bill Gates
1 At some point today, you’ll probably do one or all of these things: flip a switch for light. Take fresh food from a refrigerator. Turn a dial to make your home warmer or cooler. Press a button on your laptop to go online.
2 You probably won’t think twice about any of these actions, but you will actually be doing something extraordinary. You will be using a superpower—your access to energy.
3 Does that sound ridiculous? Just imagine, for a minute, life without energy.
4 You don’t have a way to run a laptop, mobile phone, TV, or video games. You don’t have lights, heat, air conditioning, or even the Internet to read this.
5 About 1.3 billion people—18 percent of the world’s population—don’t need to imagine. That’s what life is like for them every day.
6 Africa has made extraordinary progress in recent decades. It is one of the fastest-growing regions of the world with modern cities, hundreds of millions of mobile phone users, growing Internet access, and a vibrant middle class.
7 But that prosperity has not reached everyone. In fact, of the nearly one billion people in sub-Saharan Africa, 7 out of every 10 of them live in the dark, without electricity. The majority of them live in rural areas. You would see the same problem in Asia. In India alone, more than 300 million people don’t have electricity.
8 It’s been well over a century since Thomas Edison demonstrated how an incandescent light bulb could turn night into day. And yet, there are parts of the world where people are still waiting to enjoy the benefits of his invention.
9 If I could have just one wish to help the poorest people, it would be to find a cheap, clean source of energy to power our world.
10 You might be wondering, “Aren’t people just trying to stay healthy and find enough to eat? Isn’t that important too?” Yes, of course it is, but energy makes all those things easier. It means you can run hospitals, light up schools, and use tractors to grow more food.
11 Without access to energy, the poor are stuck in the dark, denied benefits and opportunities that come with power.
12 So if we really want to help the world’s poorest families, we need to find a way to get them cheap, clean energy. Cheap because everyone must be able to afford it. Clean because it must not emit any carbon dioxide—which is driving climate change.
13 That’s a huge challenge. In 2015, the world emitted 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide to produce energy. This is a mind-boggling number. For example, someone may tell you they know how to remove 100 million tons of carbon per year. That sounds like a lot, but if you do the math—100 million divided by 36 billion—you’ll see that they’re talking about 0.3 percent of the problem. Every reduction in emissions helps, but we still have to work on the other 99.7 percent.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) Growth in the African continent was due to the electricity access.
(II) Use of clean energy will boost progress without polluting the air.
(III) Removal of carbon dioxide from air has been done successfully.
(IV) Significant part of the world´s population is deprived of energy.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and IV.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
I and II.
Read the following text about a natural disaster in Japan.
Japan floods: City of Joso hit by 'unprecedented' rain
Widespread flooding and landslides in north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their homes.
The city of Joso, north of the capital, Tokyo, was hit by a wall of water after the Kinugawa River burst its banks. Helicopter rescue teams have been plucking people from rooftops.
At least eight people are still missing and 100 need rescuing.
The rains come a day after a tropical storm brought winds of up to 125km/h (78mph) to central Aichi prefecture.
The chief forecaster at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Takuya Deshimaru, said that the rainfall was "unprecedented" for that part of Japan.
"We can say this is an abnormal situation and there is imminent serious danger," he went on.
Japan gets hit by, on average, 20 to 30 such storms each year. This is the 18th this year so despite the heavy rainfall that we have experienced over the last few days, it was difficult to predict how severe the damage would be.
The Kinugawa River bursting its banks took even experts by surprise, especially because of the widespread areas that it has affected.
Just as in previous natural disasters, including the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Japan's non-combat military Self-Defence Force is playing a major role in the rescue operations and it is receiving lots of praise so far.
But there are concerns that these storms are getting stronger in recent years and more preparations may be needed in the future.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) The rainfall that hit Joso had been detected by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
(II) The evidences indicate that storms in Japan have been getting more intensified.
(III) The work of the Self-Defence Force has been criticised by the Japanse population.
(IV) The experts were surprised by the rainfall in Joso because it was unconventional.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
II, III and IV.
I and IV.
I and III.
I, III and IV.
In some regions of the world such as Africa and Asia, different languages are used in the daily life of different communities. The use of a foreign language at school was the theme of a study done by UNESCO in order to clarify the role of the first and the second language in children´s learning. Read the following text to know more about it.
UN report recommends mother tongue for teaching early classes to boost performance
1 A new study has recommended use of mother tongue during teaching for at least six years of early learning to boost academic performance. Learning is slow if teaching is conducted in a language other than the one used at home by the children.
2 The Unesco report’s key recommendation is that education policies should recognise the importance of mother tongue learning. It further recommends that teachers should to be trained to teach in two languages and to understand the needs of second-language learners.
3 At home, “parents may lack literacy skills or familiarity with official languages used in school, which can then reinforce gaps in learning opportunities between minority and majority language groups,” says the report.
4 University of Nairobi socio-linguists and communications expert, Dr Silas Oriaso, said the report is encouraging the use of a language that can make children understand what they are being taught.
5 Director of UNESCO’s GEM Report, Aaron Benavot, said language could serve as a double-edged sword. “While it strengthens an ethnic group’s social ties and sense of belonging, it can also become a basis for their marginalisation.”
6 The report says that 40 per cent of children do not access education in a language they understand. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said it is essential to encourage use of mother language in teaching and learning, and to promote linguistic diversity.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements:
I) Foreign language should gradually replace mother tongue.
II) Language can be an instrument of freedom or of domain.
III) Children taught in a foreign language learn more easily.
IV) Education has to teach people embrace linguistic diversity.
It is only correct what is stated on:
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
II and IV.
I and IV.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
I and II.
Read the following text about a natural disaster in Japan.
Japan floods: City of Joso hit by 'unprecedented' rain
Widespread flooding and landslides in north-east Japan have forced more than 90,000 people to abandon their homes.
The city of Joso, north of the capital, Tokyo, was hit by a wall of water after the Kinugawa River burst its banks. Helicopter rescue teams have been plucking people from rooftops.
At least eight people are still missing and 100 need rescuing.
The rains come a day after a tropical storm brought winds of up to 125km/h (78mph) to central Aichi prefecture.
The chief forecaster at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Takuya Deshimaru, said that the rainfall was "unprecedented" for that part of Japan.
"We can say this is an abnormal situation and there is imminent serious danger," he went on.
Japan gets hit by, on average, 20 to 30 such storms each year. This is the 18th this year so despite the heavy rainfall that we have experienced over the last few days, it was difficult to predict how severe the damage would be.
The Kinugawa River bursting its banks took even experts by surprise, especially because of the widespread areas that it has affected.
Just as in previous natural disasters, including the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Japan's non-combat military Self-Defence Force is playing a major role in the rescue operations and it is receiving lots of praise so far.
But there are concerns that these storms are getting stronger in recent years and more preparations may be needed in the future.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements.
(I) The rainfall that hit Joso had been detected by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
(II) The evidences indicate that storms in Japan have been getting more intensified.
(III) The work of the Self-Defence Force has been criticised by the Japanse population.
(IV) The experts were surprised by the rainfall in Joso because it was unconventional.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
II, III and IV.
I and IV.
I and III.
I, III and IV.
In some regions of the world such as Africa and Asia, different languages are used in the daily life of different communities. The use of a foreign language at school was the theme of a study done by UNESCO in order to clarify the role of the first and the second language in children´s learning. Read the following text to know more about it.
UN report recommends mother tongue for teaching early classes to boost performance
1 A new study has recommended use of mother tongue during teaching for at least six years of early learning to boost academic performance. Learning is slow if teaching is conducted in a language other than the one used at home by the children.
2 The Unesco report’s key recommendation is that education policies should recognise the importance of mother tongue learning. It further recommends that teachers should to be trained to teach in two languages and to understand the needs of second-language learners.
3 At home, “parents may lack literacy skills or familiarity with official languages used in school, which can then reinforce gaps in learning opportunities between minority and majority language groups,” says the report.
4 University of Nairobi socio-linguists and communications expert, Dr Silas Oriaso, said the report is encouraging the use of a language that can make children understand what they are being taught.
5 Director of UNESCO’s GEM Report, Aaron Benavot, said language could serve as a double-edged sword. “While it strengthens an ethnic group’s social ties and sense of belonging, it can also become a basis for their marginalisation.”
6 The report says that 40 per cent of children do not access education in a language they understand. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said it is essential to encourage use of mother language in teaching and learning, and to promote linguistic diversity.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements:
I) Foreign language should gradually replace mother tongue.
II) Language can be an instrument of freedom or of domain.
III) Children taught in a foreign language learn more easily.
IV) Education has to teach people embrace linguistic diversity.
It is only correct what is stated on:
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
II and IV.
II, III and IV.
I and IV.
I and III.
I, III and IV.
In some regions of the world such as Africa and Asia, different languages are used in the daily life of different communities. The use of a foreign language at school was the theme of a study done by UNESCO in order to clarify the role of the first and the second language in children´s learning. Read the following text to know more about it.
UN report recommends mother tongue for teaching early classes to boost performance
1 A new study has recommended use of mother tongue during teaching for at least six years of early learning to boost academic performance. Learning is slow if teaching is conducted in a language other than the one used at home by the children.
2 The Unesco report’s key recommendation is that education policies should recognise the importance of mother tongue learning. It further recommends that teachers should to be trained to teach in two languages and to understand the needs of second-language learners.
3 At home, “parents may lack literacy skills or familiarity with official languages used in school, which can then reinforce gaps in learning opportunities between minority and majority language groups,” says the report.
4 University of Nairobi socio-linguists and communications expert, Dr Silas Oriaso, said the report is encouraging the use of a language that can make children understand what they are being taught.
5 Director of UNESCO’s GEM Report, Aaron Benavot, said language could serve as a double-edged sword. “While it strengthens an ethnic group’s social ties and sense of belonging, it can also become a basis for their marginalisation.”
6 The report says that 40 per cent of children do not access education in a language they understand. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said it is essential to encourage use of mother language in teaching and learning, and to promote linguistic diversity.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 fev. 2016.
Based on the previous text, consider the following statements:
I) Foreign language should gradually replace mother tongue.
II) Language can be an instrument of freedom or of domain.
III) Children taught in a foreign language learn more easily.
IV) Education has to teach people embrace linguistic diversity.
It is only correct what is stated on:
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
I, II and IV.
II and IV.
II and III.
I, II and III.
II, III and IV.
Read the following sentence:
“That restaurant across the street is the place _____ they make the best steak in town.”
The relative pronoun that completes the sentence is:
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
Read the sentences below:
(I) Ms. Taylor called off the meeting because of a health problem.
(II) Jack is a qualified nurse, but he was turned down at a job test.
(III) In order to prevent failures, the security looks over all the doors.
The phrasal verbs in bold are synonymous with the following verbs:
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
postponed – rejected – inspects.
finished – approved – locks.
cancelled – rejected – inspects.
cancelled – accepted – closes.
postponed – accepted – closes.
Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
Outdoor air pollution is contributing to about 40,000 early deaths a year in the UK, say the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Paediatrics and Child Health.
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 fev. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
tanto a primeira quanto a segunda asserções são proposições falsas.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição verdadeira, e a segunda é uma proposição falsa.
a primeira asserção é uma proposição falsa, e a segunda é uma proposição verdadeira.
as duas asserções são proposições verdadeiras, e a segunda não é uma justificativa correta da primeira.
Associe as frases de (a-d) às frases de (I-V). Observe que há uma frase de (I-V) que não será usada.
a) I was hungry because ...
b) My father was furious because…
c) I was happy because...
d) I was tired because…
(I) I had gotten bad grades at school.
(II) I hadn´t slept well the night before.
(III) I had passed my driving test.
(IV) I had arrived early at home.
(V) I hadn´t eaten anything all day.
A sequência formada é, respectivamente:
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
V – II – III – IV
V – I – III – II
V – IV – I – III
V – I – IV – III
V – I – II – III
The following question was asked at the office of a computer company: “Do you know why Shirley seems so embarrassed today?”
The answer for the previous question is:
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.
People told me she was chosen as the new sales supervisor.
People told me she was nominated for the vice director position.
People told me she was congratulated on her punctuality.
People told me she was invited to a training program in the USA.
People told me she was reprimanded for being late again.